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World ID
Max connections
4 Users
File size
9598 (Day to day count:33 / Day to day rate:0.35%)
Favorites on VRchat
1574 (Day to day count:0 / Day to day rate:0.00%)
Votes(this world / All worlds)
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Created / Updated / Labs / Published
4(max and recommended) player co-op․ In the eerie world of "Curriculum‚" players find themselves trapped in a Japanese school at night‚ where darkness envelopes the halls‚ and minimal lighting casts long shadows․ With the faint glow of moonlight seeping through‚ they navigate through locked classrooms and mysterious corridors․ The air is thick with the presence of otherworldly entities․ Average playtime˸ 1h․ NOTE˸ This world uses a very highly experimental⁄prototype networked entity․ I will be honest‚ not sure I am happy with the end result of this map‚ lessons learned․ ∗tweaked the difficulty of the purple room puzzles∗
Visits / Favorites
On this page, the maximum number of days is shown up to 30 days in advance.
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-05-12 9598 +33 +0.35% 1574 0 0%
2024-05-09 9565 +11 +0.12% 1574 0 0%
2024-05-07 9554 +52 +0.55% 1574 +5 +0.32%
2024-05-05 9502 +22 +0.23% 1569 0 0%
2024-05-03 9480 +8 +0.08% 1569 +1 +0.06%
2024-05-02 9472 +96 +1.02% 1568 +5 +0.32%
2024-04-28 9376 +9 +0.10% 1563 0 0%
2024-04-27 9367 +18 +0.19% 1563 +2 +0.13%
2024-04-26 9349 +34 +0.37% 1561 +8 +0.52%
2024-04-23 9315 +8 +0.09% 1553 +1 +0.06%
2024-04-21 9307 +25 +0.27% 1552 +4 +0.26%
2024-04-20 9282 +25 +0.27% 1548 -1 -0.0645578%
2024-04-19 9257 +10 +0.11% 1549 +2 +0.13%
2024-04-18 9247 +22 +0.24% 1547 +3 +0.19%
2024-04-16 9225 +57 +0.62% 1544 +10 +0.65%
2024-04-13 9168 +25 +0.27% 1534 0 0%
2024-04-12 9143 +35 +0.38% 1534 +2 +0.13%
2024-04-11 9108 +25 +0.28% 1532 0 0%
2024-04-10 9083 +35 +0.39% 1532 +4 +0.26%
2024-04-08 9048 +9 +0.10% 1528 0 0%
2024-04-07 9039 +65 +0.72% 1528 +3 +0.20%
2024-04-06 8974 +46 +0.52% 1525 +3 +0.20%
2024-04-05 8928 +19 +0.21% 1522 -1 -0.0656599%
2024-04-04 8909 +7 +0.08% 1523 -1 -0.0656168%
2024-04-03 8902 +10 +0.11% 1524 -1 -0.0655738%
2024-04-02 8892 +19 +0.21% 1525 +2 +0.13%
2024-03-31 8873 +60 +0.68% 1523 +2 +0.13%
2024-03-29 8813 +15 +0.17% 1521 +2 +0.13%
2024-03-27 8798 +45 +0.51% 1519 0 0%
2024-03-24 8753 - -% 1519 - -%
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    You have to send request invite to person who started up instance and you can join to it if he/she accept.
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