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Sunset Bar - DVC

Sunset Bar - DVC
World ID
Max connections
60 Users
File size
3290237 (Day to day count:36526 / Day to day rate:1.12%)
Favorites on VRchat
57590 (Day to day count:360 / Day to day rate:0.63%)
Votes(this world / All worlds)
Create / Update
Created / Updated / Labs / Published
[Duskview City] The year is 20XX‚ and everything is metal‚ except for a few key elements of this once was Speakeasy․ Sunset is a downstairs bar‚ located in Duskview City․ The theme of the bar is that of a mixture of Synthwave and Cyberpunk elements․ Drink‚ get drunk‚ or serve the patrons in this comfortably warm space․ Created by Lingie and Riney․ Voice work provided by wolfcry91196․ Additional Coding‚ Shader Code‚ and optimizations provided by KillFrenzy․
Visits / Favorites
On this page, the maximum number of days is shown up to 30 days in advance.
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-05-05 3290237 +36526 +1.12% 57590 +360 +0.63%
2024-05-04 3253711 +25975 +0.80% 57230 +260 +0.46%
2024-05-03 3227736 +19652 +0.61% 56970 +193 +0.34%
2024-05-02 3208084 +18747 +0.59% 56777 +195 +0.34%
2024-05-01 3189337 +22493 +0.71% 56582 +266 +0.47%
2024-04-30 3166844 +24502 +0.78% 56316 +259 +0.46%
2024-04-29 3142342 +27224 +0.87% 56057 +304 +0.55%
2024-04-28 3115118 +32133 +1.04% 55753 +329 +0.59%
2024-04-27 3082985 +29916 +0.98% 55424 +311 +0.56%
2024-04-26 3053069 +17613 +0.58% 55113 +225 +0.41%
2024-04-25 3035456 +20699 +0.69% 54888 +204 +0.37%
2024-04-24 3014757 +20523 +0.69% 54684 +246 +0.45%
2024-04-23 2994234 +23287 +0.78% 54438 +268 +0.49%
2024-04-22 2970947 +27666 +0.94% 54170 +347 +0.64%
2024-04-21 2943281 +50126 +1.73% 53823 +520 +0.98%
2024-04-20 2893155 +2229 +0.08% 53303 +42 +0.08%
2024-04-19 2890926 +22557 +0.79% 53261 +260 +0.49%
2024-04-18 2868369 +24207 +0.85% 53001 +243 +0.46%
2024-04-17 2844162 +39801 +1.42% 52758 +471 +0.90%
2024-04-15 2804361 +25411 +0.91% 52287 +309 +0.59%
2024-04-14 2778950 +34147 +1.24% 51978 +386 +0.75%
2024-04-13 2744803 +42117 +1.56% 51592 +428 +0.84%
2024-04-12 2702686 +14030 +0.52% 51164 +185 +0.36%
2024-04-11 2688656 +18389 +0.69% 50979 +229 +0.45%
2024-04-10 2670267 +23024 +0.87% 50750 +295 +0.58%
2024-04-09 2647243 +31487 +1.20% 50455 +370 +0.74%
2024-04-08 2615756 +28188 +1.09% 50085 +320 +0.64%
2024-04-07 2587568 +31228 +1.22% 49765 +376 +0.76%
2024-04-06 2556340 +37357 +1.48% 49389 +395 +0.81%
2024-04-05 2518983 - -% 48994 - -%
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