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World ID
Max connections
40 Users
File size
8664 (Day to day count:199 / Day to day rate:2.35%)
Favorites on VRchat
316 (Day to day count:6 / Day to day rate:1.94%)
Votes(this world / All worlds)
Create / Update
Created / Updated / Labs / Published
This world is in active development‚ and has been my little gem for sometime now‚ this world contains a global toggle for seamless day⁄night and thunderstorm transition‚ world settings can be accessed through the glass panels placed across the world (use them to change settings)․ In addition this world includes a simple prototype for ambient audio occlusion and LTCGI by _pi_ with Audiolink(both disabled by default)․ Welcome to offshore where a solaris marine biologist was stationed to study the strange wild life that migrated into arcturus' oceans during the ovor-firma event․ The research labatory can be accessed via elevator underneath the house [WIP]․ This world is one of many for the radiant nexus world building project․ ∗this is a maintenance update upgraded video player from version 1․0․21 -≻ 1․0․33‚ switched shadows from hard to soft∗
Visits / Favorites
On this page, the maximum number of days is shown up to 30 days in advance.
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-04-28 8664 +199 +2.35% 316 +6 +1.94%
2024-04-26 8465 +44 +0.52% 310 +4 +1.31%
2024-04-25 8421 +68 +0.81% 306 +4 +1.32%
2024-04-24 8353 +153 +1.87% 302 +4 +1.34%
2024-04-21 8200 +98 +1.21% 298 +2 +0.68%
2024-04-20 8102 +86 +1.07% 296 +1 +0.34%
2024-04-19 8016 +524 +6.99% 295 +24 +8.86%
2024-04-11 7492 +321 +4.48% 271 +14 +5.45%
2024-04-07 7171 +236 +3.40% 257 +18 +7.53%
2024-04-04 6935 +34 +0.49% 239 -1 -0.416667%
2024-04-03 6901 +62 +0.91% 240 +5 +2.13%
2024-04-01 6839 +62 +0.91% 235 +1 +0.43%
2024-03-31 6777 +57 +0.85% 234 +2 +0.86%
2024-03-30 6720 +15 +0.22% 232 0 0%
2024-03-29 6705 +250 +3.87% 232 +11 +4.98%
2024-03-26 6455 +94 +1.48% 221 +3 +1.38%
2024-03-24 6361 +195 +3.16% 218 +5 +2.35%
2024-03-22 6166 +316 +5.40% 213 +11 +5.45%
2024-03-17 5850 +555 +10.48% 202 +12 +6.32%
2024-03-08 5295 +78 +1.50% 190 +3 +1.60%
2024-03-06 5217 +87 +1.70% 187 +2 +1.08%
2024-03-04 5130 +200 +4.06% 185 +15 +8.82%
2024-03-01 4930 +91 +1.88% 170 +5 +3.03%
2024-02-29 4839 +42 +0.88% 165 -1 -0.60241%
2024-02-27 4797 +67 +1.42% 166 +4 +2.47%
2024-02-26 4730 +84 +1.81% 162 +7 +4.52%
2024-02-24 4646 +46 +1.00% 155 +1 +0.65%
2024-02-23 4600 +45 +0.99% 154 +6 +4.05%
2024-02-22 4555 +35 +0.77% 148 +3 +2.07%
2024-02-21 4520 - -% 145 - -%
Link to start up instance

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    You have to send request invite to someone in instance and you can join to it if person who received the request accept.
  • Invite
    Person who started up instance can invite someone.
    You have to send request invite to person who started up instance and you can join to it if he/she accept.
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