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Bromance Sanctuary

Bromance Sanctuary
World ID
Max connections
32 Users
File size
6630 (Day to day count:0 / Day to day rate:0.00%)
Favorites on VRchat
600 (Day to day count:0 / Day to day rate:0.00%)
Votes(this world / All worlds)
Create / Update
Created / Updated / Labs / Published
A World made on TiltBrush for a friend of mine․ First‚ you spawn in front of a magical portal hidden in a cave․ Find your way in a pin forest to the sanctuary that leads to the temple․ You will also find a modern confy house if you go up the river․ The music is from Takashi Kokubo․ It is a perfect place to meditate or to hang up with friends․ Billiard and video player included․ Updates are planned․ I hope to add soon collectibles․
Visits / Favorites
On this page, the maximum number of days is shown up to 30 days in advance.
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-05-01 6630 0 0% 600 0 0%
2024-04-30 6630 +9 +0.14% 600 0 0%
2024-04-29 6621 +2 +0.03% 600 0 0%
2024-04-28 6619 +7 +0.11% 600 -2 -0.332226%
2024-04-27 6612 +12 +0.18% 602 -2 -0.331126%
2024-04-26 6600 +26 +0.40% 604 0 0%
2024-04-24 6574 +3 +0.05% 604 -2 -0.330033%
2024-04-23 6571 +35 +0.54% 606 -2 -0.328947%
2024-04-21 6536 0 0% 608 -1 -0.164204%
2024-04-20 6536 0 0% 609 0 0%
2024-04-19 6536 +6 +0.09% 609 0 0%
2024-04-18 6530 +4 +0.06% 609 0 0%
2024-04-17 6526 +15 +0.23% 609 -2 -0.327332%
2024-04-16 6511 +11 +0.17% 611 -2 -0.326264%
2024-04-15 6500 +4 +0.06% 613 0 0%
2024-04-14 6496 +14 +0.22% 613 0 0%
2024-04-12 6482 +14 +0.22% 613 -2 -0.325203%
2024-04-11 6468 +14 +0.22% 615 0 0%
2024-04-10 6454 0 0% 615 +1 +0.16%
2024-04-09 6454 +17 +0.26% 614 -2 -0.324675%
2024-04-08 6437 +12 +0.19% 616 -2 -0.323625%
2024-04-07 6425 +5 +0.08% 618 0 0%
2024-04-06 6420 +14 +0.22% 618 -3 -0.483092%
2024-04-05 6406 +18 +0.28% 621 0 0%
2024-04-04 6388 +7 +0.11% 621 0 0%
2024-04-03 6381 +6 +0.09% 621 -2 -0.321027%
2024-04-02 6375 +40 +0.63% 623 -2 -0.32%
2024-03-31 6335 +25 +0.40% 625 -4 -0.63593%
2024-03-29 6310 +17 +0.27% 629 0 0%
2024-03-28 6293 - -% 629 - -%
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