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Royaume d'Ohaïor - Kingdom of Ohaïor

Royaume d'Ohaïor - Kingdom of Ohaïor
World ID
Los Pollos PNJ
Max connections
32 Users
File size
5208 (Day to day count:9 / Day to day rate:0.17%)
Favorites on VRchat
355 (Day to day count:0 / Day to day rate:0.00%)
Votes(this world / All worlds)
Create / Update
Created / Updated / Labs / Published
《Ohaior Update》˸ Tavern Updated and added new music at some area of the world․ Firedröth county is a region located in the center of Oharnian territory whose capital is none other than Arkon‚ the city of kings․ There was a time when a large part of the territory was covered with towns and other households‚ but the numerous conflicts that the country has encountered over the last 400 years have taken their toll on the great city․ Now all that remains is the stronghold and the ruins of a bygone time․ Despite these traumas‚ the royal family still considers this city to be the Capital of the Kingdom․ Use˸ medieval fantasy map bringing together forest‚ castles as well as numerous ruins and sanctuary․ Main map of the French RolePlay group LOS POLLOS․
Visits / Favorites
On this page, the maximum number of days is shown up to 30 days in advance.
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-05-22 5208 +9 +0.17% 355 0 0%
2024-05-21 5199 +117 +2.30% 355 +3 +0.85%
2024-05-19 5082 +272 +5.65% 352 +16 +4.76%
2024-05-14 4810 +422 +9.62% 336 +26 +8.39%
2024-05-08 4388 +32 +0.73% 310 +3 +0.98%
2024-05-06 4356 +106 +2.49% 307 +3 +0.99%
2024-05-02 4250 +180 +4.42% 304 +12 +4.11%
2024-04-27 4070 +77 +1.93% 292 +5 +1.74%
2024-04-25 3993 +37 +0.94% 287 +2 +0.70%
2024-04-23 3956 +108 +2.81% 285 +12 +4.40%
2024-04-19 3848 +32 +0.84% 273 +3 +1.11%
2024-04-18 3816 +19 +0.50% 270 0 0%
2024-04-17 3797 +8 +0.21% 270 +2 +0.75%
2024-04-16 3789 +83 +2.24% 268 +3 +1.13%
2024-04-13 3706 +14 +0.38% 265 +1 +0.38%
2024-04-11 3692 +109 +3.04% 264 +12 +4.76%
2024-04-07 3583 +131 +3.79% 252 +7 +2.86%
2024-04-05 3452 +75 +2.22% 245 +2 +0.82%
2024-04-03 3377 +212 +6.70% 243 +3 +1.25%
2024-03-29 3165 +56 +1.80% 240 +4 +1.69%
2024-03-28 3109 +169 +5.75% 236 +5 +2.16%
2024-03-24 2940 +87 +3.05% 231 +3 +1.32%
2024-03-23 2853 +23 +0.81% 228 +1 +0.44%
2024-03-22 2830 +66 +2.39% 227 +5 +2.25%
2024-03-20 2764 +88 +3.29% 222 +1 +0.45%
2024-03-17 2676 +49 +1.87% 221 +6 +2.79%
2024-03-14 2627 +68 +2.66% 215 +6 +2.87%
2024-03-10 2559 +23 +0.91% 209 +2 +0.97%
2024-03-09 2536 +50 +2.01% 207 +1 +0.49%
2024-03-08 2486 - -% 206 - -%
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