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Modern Airbase

Modern Airbase
World ID
Max connections
80 Users
File size
275441 (Day to day count:367 / Day to day rate:0.13%)
Favorites on VRchat
12817 (Day to day count:17 / Day to day rate:0.13%)
Votes(this world / All worlds)
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Created / Updated / Labs / Published
Modern Airbase‚ the captivating VRChat aviation world‚ caters to aviation enthusiasts and gamers with a diverse selection of advanced fighter aircraft․ Within this virtual reality environment‚ you can pilot 4 F-22A Raptors‚ known for their exceptional agility and performance‚ as well as 4 SU-57 Felons‚ representing cutting-edge fighter aircraft․ In addition‚ explore the skies with 3 F-16C fighters‚ 1 F-15C‚ and 1 F⁄A-18F in the upgraded Block III variant․ Whether you're engaging in dogfights‚ or simply admiring these advanced aircraft‚ Modern Airbase offers an immersive environment for aviation enthusiasts of all levels․
Visits / Favorites
On this page, the maximum number of days is shown up to 30 days in advance.
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-05-10 275441 +367 +0.13% 12817 +17 +0.13%
2024-05-09 275074 +453 +0.16% 12800 +18 +0.14%
2024-05-07 274621 +206 +0.08% 12782 +7 +0.05%
2024-05-06 274415 +458 +0.17% 12775 +19 +0.15%
2024-05-05 273957 +286 +0.10% 12756 +9 +0.07%
2024-05-04 273671 +293 +0.11% 12747 +14 +0.11%
2024-05-03 273378 +785 +0.29% 12733 +32 +0.25%
2024-05-01 272593 +329 +0.12% 12701 +16 +0.13%
2024-04-29 272264 +377 +0.14% 12685 +18 +0.14%
2024-04-28 271887 +367 +0.14% 12667 +16 +0.13%
2024-04-27 271520 +632 +0.23% 12651 +34 +0.27%
2024-04-25 270888 +290 +0.11% 12617 +6 +0.05%
2024-04-24 270598 +868 +0.32% 12611 +42 +0.33%
2024-04-22 269730 +132 +0.05% 12569 +4 +0.03%
2024-04-21 269598 +699 +0.26% 12565 +24 +0.19%
2024-04-20 268899 +164 +0.06% 12541 +10 +0.08%
2024-04-19 268735 +211 +0.08% 12531 +3 +0.02%
2024-04-18 268524 +347 +0.13% 12528 +19 +0.15%
2024-04-17 268177 +305 +0.11% 12509 +10 +0.08%
2024-04-16 267872 +120 +0.04% 12499 +5 +0.04%
2024-04-15 267752 +554 +0.21% 12494 +28 +0.22%
2024-04-14 267198 +332 +0.12% 12466 +19 +0.15%
2024-04-13 266866 +254 +0.10% 12447 +6 +0.05%
2024-04-12 266612 +225 +0.08% 12441 +6 +0.05%
2024-04-11 266387 +229 +0.09% 12435 +21 +0.17%
2024-04-10 266158 +267 +0.10% 12414 +8 +0.06%
2024-04-09 265891 +467 +0.18% 12406 +11 +0.09%
2024-04-08 265424 +90 +0.03% 12395 +2 +0.02%
2024-04-07 265334 +650 +0.25% 12393 +23 +0.19%
2024-04-06 264684 - -% 12370 - -%
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