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Cold War Fighters Airbase

Cold War Fighters Airbase
World ID
Max connections
80 Users
File size
102076 (Day to day count:415 / Day to day rate:0.41%)
Favorites on VRchat
5770 (Day to day count:13 / Day to day rate:0.23%)
Votes(this world / All worlds)
Create / Update
Created / Updated / Labs / Published
Experience the freedom of flight in our VRChat aviation world - "Cold War Fighters Airbase"․ This is a free-flight paradise‚ showcasing iconic fighter jets like the F-5E Tiger II and MiG-21 Fishbed․ Whether you're a history enthusiast or an aviation buff‚ "Cold War Fighters Airbase" offers a unique opportunity to interact with these legendary aircraft․ Soar through the virtual skies in thrilling free flight‚ dogfight with others‚ or simply savor the beauty of these vintage jets․
Visits / Favorites
On this page, the maximum number of days is shown up to 30 days in advance.
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-05-10 102076 +415 +0.41% 5770 +13 +0.23%
2024-05-08 101661 +91 +0.09% 5757 +1 +0.02%
2024-05-07 101570 +761 +0.75% 5756 +28 +0.49%
2024-05-03 100809 +522 +0.52% 5728 +22 +0.39%
2024-04-30 100287 +36 +0.04% 5706 +2 +0.04%
2024-04-29 100251 +138 +0.14% 5704 +8 +0.14%
2024-04-28 100113 +228 +0.23% 5696 +8 +0.14%
2024-04-27 99885 +316 +0.32% 5688 +19 +0.34%
2024-04-25 99569 +55 +0.06% 5669 +3 +0.05%
2024-04-24 99514 +482 +0.49% 5666 +20 +0.35%
2024-04-21 99032 +264 +0.27% 5646 +7 +0.12%
2024-04-20 98768 +316 +0.32% 5639 +14 +0.25%
2024-04-19 98452 +25 +0.03% 5625 0 0%
2024-04-18 98427 +182 +0.19% 5625 +5 +0.09%
2024-04-17 98245 +220 +0.22% 5620 +12 +0.21%
2024-04-16 98025 +415 +0.43% 5608 +17 +0.30%
2024-04-14 97610 +309 +0.32% 5591 +9 +0.16%
2024-04-12 97301 +213 +0.22% 5582 +9 +0.16%
2024-04-11 97088 +45 +0.05% 5573 +1 +0.02%
2024-04-10 97043 +203 +0.21% 5572 +8 +0.14%
2024-04-09 96840 +105 +0.11% 5564 +9 +0.16%
2024-04-08 96735 +549 +0.57% 5555 +25 +0.45%
2024-04-07 96186 +60 +0.06% 5530 0 0%
2024-04-06 96126 +218 +0.23% 5530 +13 +0.24%
2024-04-05 95908 +134 +0.14% 5517 +8 +0.15%
2024-04-04 95774 +194 +0.20% 5509 +7 +0.13%
2024-04-03 95580 +176 +0.18% 5502 +8 +0.15%
2024-04-02 95404 +242 +0.25% 5494 +8 +0.15%
2024-04-01 95162 +470 +0.50% 5486 +28 +0.51%
2024-03-31 94692 - -% 5458 - -%
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