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amongus pvp crossplatform

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amongus pvp crossplatform
World ID
Max connections
32 Users
File size
1708 (Day to day count:10 / Day to day rate:0.59%)
Favorites on VRchat
45 (Day to day count:0 / Day to day rate:0.00%)
Votes(this world / All worlds)
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Created / Updated / Labs / Published
I CANT DuckING TAKE ITǃ I see a random object posted and then I see it‚ DuckING see it‚ "Oh that looks kind of like the among us guy․․․" It started as‚ "That's funnyǃ That's a cool referenceǃ" but it kept going․ I'd see a fridge that looked like among us‚ I saw an animated bag of chips that looked like among us‚ I'd see a hat that looked like among us‚ AND EVERY TIME I'D BURST INTO AN INSANE‚ BREATH DEPRIVED LAUGH staring at the image as the words 'amogus' ran through my head․ It's TORMENT‚ psychological TORTURE․ I am being conditioned to laugh manically anytime I see an oval on a red object‚ I can't DuckING live like thisǃ I CANT I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'Tǃǃ AND DON'T GET ME DuckING STARTED ON THE WORDS‚ ILL NEVER HEAR THE WORD SUSPICIOUS AGAIN WITHOUT THINKING OF AMONG USǃ Someone does something bad and I can't say anything other than sus‚ I could watch a man murder everyone I love and all I would be able to say˸ "Is red sus?" And laugh like a ducking insane person‚ and the word among ruined‚ the phrase among us is ruined‚ I can't live anymore‚ AMONG US HAS DESTROYED MY DuckING LIFE‚ I want to eject myself from this plain of existence‚ MAKE IT STOPǃ
Visits / Favorites
On this page, the maximum number of days is shown up to 30 days in advance.
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2023-05-28 1708 +10 +0.59% 45 0 0%
2023-05-25 1698 0 0% 45 0 0%
2023-05-24 1698 +11 +0.65% 45 0 0%
2023-05-21 1687 +10 +0.60% 45 0 0%
2023-05-18 1677 +22 +1.33% 45 +1 +2.27%
2023-05-09 1655 +17 +1.04% 44 +2 +4.76%
2023-05-05 1638 +9 +0.55% 42 0 0%
2023-05-02 1629 +12 +0.74% 42 0 0%
2023-04-29 1617 +3 +0.19% 42 0 0%
2023-04-26 1614 +5 +0.31% 42 0 0%
2023-04-24 1609 +2 +0.12% 42 +1 +2.44%
2023-04-23 1607 +1 +0.06% 41 0 0%
2023-04-21 1606 +29 +1.84% 41 0 0%
2023-04-14 1577 +26 +1.68% 41 +1 +2.50%
2023-04-08 1551 +10 +0.65% 40 0 0%
2023-04-06 1541 +8 +0.52% 40 0 0%
2023-04-03 1533 +19 +1.25% 40 0 0%
2023-03-30 1514 +6 +0.40% 40 -1 -2.43902%
2023-03-28 1508 +4 +0.27% 41 +1 +2.50%
2023-03-27 1504 0 0% 40 0 0%
2023-03-26 1504 +2 +0.13% 40 0 0%
2023-03-25 1502 +24 +1.62% 40 +4 +11.11%
2023-03-20 1478 +19 +1.30% 36 0 0%
2023-03-16 1459 +4 +0.27% 36 0 0%
2023-03-14 1455 +4 +0.28% 36 0 0%
2023-03-13 1451 +34 +2.40% 36 +1 +2.86%
2023-03-10 1417 +19 +1.36% 35 0 0%
2023-03-08 1398 +12 +0.87% 35 0 0%
2023-03-07 1386 +22 +1.61% 35 0 0%
2023-03-06 1364 - -% 35 - -%
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