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Squatters Void

Squatters Void
World ID
hairy oyster
Max connections
80 Users
File size
1372 (Day to day count:2 / Day to day rate:0.15%)
Favorites on VRchat
83 (Day to day count:0 / Day to day rate:0.00%)
Votes(this world / All worlds)
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Created / Updated / Labs / Published
Step into Squatters Void‚ amidst the seven story high ceilings adorned with suspended vehicles‚ a bus‚ a car‚ and a plane․ Smooth jazz melody fills the air‚ accompanied by the distant hum of a broken city‚ adding to the ambiance of this unique space․ Picture yourself amidst the eclectic furniture and a mobile home trailer collecting dust waiting for its next visitor․ Here‚ it's not just about finding hidden gems; it's about connecting with others in a social gathering unlike any other․ Glimpses of a distant black hole through the windows add to the mystique․ But for the keen-eyed adventurer‚ six elusive Easter eggs are scattered throughout‚ waiting to be uncovered amidst the whimsical atmosphere of Squatter's Void․ So whether you're here to enjoy the smooth jazz or uncover hidden treasures‚ Squatter's Void promises an experience that's both social and adventurous․ [ This may be in a void but its not a squatters house its a squatters home․ ]
Visits / Favorites
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-05-21 1372 +2 +0.15% 83 0 0%
2024-05-17 1370 +38 +2.85% 83 -1 -1.19048%
2024-05-06 1332 +1 +0.08% 84 0 0%
2024-05-05 1331 +1 +0.08% 84 0 0%
2024-05-03 1330 +5 +0.38% 84 +1 +1.20%
2024-04-29 1325 0 0% 83 -1 -1.19048%
2024-04-28 1325 +12 +0.91% 84 +2 +2.44%
2024-04-25 1313 +8 +0.61% 82 0 0%
2024-04-24 1305 +12 +0.93% 82 -5 -5.74713%
2024-04-20 1293 +84 +6.95% 87 -1 -1.13636%
2024-04-14 1209 +16 +1.34% 88 0 0%
2024-04-13 1193 0 0% 88 0 0%
2024-04-12 1193 +16 +1.36% 88 -1 -1.1236%
2024-04-11 1177 +15 +1.29% 89 -2 -2.1978%
2024-04-10 1162 +85 +7.89% 91 -2 -2.15054%
2024-04-04 1077 +84 +8.46% 93 +3 +3.33%
2024-04-01 993 +5 +0.51% 90 0 0%
2024-03-31 988 +37 +3.89% 90 -1 -1.0989%
2024-03-30 951 +61 +6.85% 91 +8 +9.64%
2024-03-29 890 +13 +1.48% 83 -1 -1.19048%
2024-03-28 877 +25 +2.93% 84 +1 +1.20%
2024-03-27 852 +153 +21.89% 83 +4 +5.06%
2024-03-26 699 +431 +160.82% 79 +65 +464.29%
2024-03-25 268 - -% 14 - -%
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