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Dark Deception - Chapter 1˸ No Way Back

Dark Deception - Chapter 1˸ No Way Back
World ID
Max connections
60 Users
File size
45294 (Day to day count:95 / Day to day rate:0.21%)
Favorites on VRchat
3895 (Day to day count:4 / Day to day rate:0.10%)
Votes(this world / All worlds)
Create / Update
Created / Updated / Labs / Published
Death awaits you in Dark Deception‚ a story-driven first-person horror maze game․ There's nowhere to hide & nowhere to catch your breath․ Run or die - it's your choice․ Trapped in a realm of nightmarish mazes with a mysterious woman‚ your only hope of survival is to find a way to escape․ Dark Deception では死が待っています。ストーリー主導型の一人称ホラー迷路ゲームです。 隠れる場所も息を止める場所もありません。 逃げるか死ぬか、それはあなたの選択です。 謎の女性とともに悪夢のような迷路の世界に閉じ込められたあなたが生き残る唯一の希望は、脱出する方法を見つけることです。
Visits / Favorites
On this page, the maximum number of days is shown up to 30 days in advance.
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-06-07 45294 +95 +0.21% 3895 +4 +0.10%
2024-06-06 45199 +144 +0.32% 3891 +11 +0.28%
2024-06-04 45055 +638 +1.44% 3880 +42 +1.09%
2024-05-31 44417 +323 +0.73% 3838 +13 +0.34%
2024-05-28 44094 +156 +0.36% 3825 +14 +0.37%
2024-05-27 43938 +145 +0.33% 3811 +4 +0.11%
2024-05-26 43793 +353 +0.81% 3807 +29 +0.77%
2024-05-23 43440 +228 +0.53% 3778 +16 +0.43%
2024-05-20 43212 +159 +0.37% 3762 +8 +0.21%
2024-05-19 43053 +588 +1.38% 3754 +36 +0.97%
2024-05-14 42465 +593 +1.42% 3718 +45 +1.23%
2024-05-11 41872 +580 +1.40% 3673 +59 +1.63%
2024-05-06 41292 +160 +0.39% 3614 +13 +0.36%
2024-05-05 41132 +88 +0.21% 3601 +5 +0.14%
2024-05-04 41044 +126 +0.31% 3596 +14 +0.39%
2024-05-03 40918 +480 +1.19% 3582 +23 +0.65%
2024-04-30 40438 +6 +0.01% 3559 +1 +0.03%
2024-04-29 40432 +1124 +2.86% 3558 +76 +2.18%
2024-04-22 39308 +207 +0.53% 3482 +20 +0.58%
2024-04-20 39101 +764 +1.99% 3462 +40 +1.17%
2024-04-13 38337 +81 +0.21% 3422 0 0%
2024-04-12 38256 +90 +0.24% 3422 +1 +0.03%
2024-04-11 38166 +131 +0.34% 3421 +14 +0.41%
2024-04-09 38035 +120 +0.32% 3407 +8 +0.24%
2024-04-08 37915 +850 +2.29% 3399 +38 +1.13%
2024-04-03 37065 +38 +0.10% 3361 +4 +0.12%
2024-04-02 37027 +318 +0.87% 3357 +20 +0.60%
2024-03-31 36709 +327 +0.90% 3337 +23 +0.69%
2024-03-29 36382 +1608 +4.62% 3314 +97 +3.02%
2024-03-18 34774 - -% 3217 - -%
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