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SSS․Birthday Party Room

SSS․Birthday Party Room
World ID
Max connections
32 Users
File size
8098 (Day to day count:122 / Day to day rate:1.53%)
Favorites on VRchat
428 (Day to day count:3 / Day to day rate:0.71%)
Votes(this world / All worlds)
Create / Update
Created / Updated / Labs / Published
ワールド六作品目。バースデーパーティルーム。 お洒落な一軒家でホームパーティ。誕生日じゃなくてもわいわい遊び、くつろげるワールドです。 撮った顔写真を表示出来る誕生日ケーキに、いくつかのゲームや面白ギミック。液体アセットは重いので取り扱い注意。 パチンコは若干動作不安定。見世物ルームは脱出するとペナルティ。 The sixth creation in the World series˸ Birthday Party Room․ A stylish single-family home for home parties․ It's a world where you can have fun and relax‚ not just for birthdays․ Featuring a birthday cake that can display photos of faces taken‚ along with several games and interesting gimmicks․ Handle with care as liquid assets can be heavy․ Pachinko may have slight operational instability․ Exiting the sideshow room incurs a penalty․
Visits / Favorites
On this page, the maximum number of days is shown up to 30 days in advance.
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-04-28 8098 +122 +1.53% 428 +3 +0.71%
2024-04-27 7976 +16 +0.20% 425 +1 +0.24%
2024-04-26 7960 +129 +1.65% 424 +1 +0.24%
2024-04-25 7831 +9 +0.12% 423 -1 -0.235849%
2024-04-24 7822 +62 +0.80% 424 0 0%
2024-04-23 7760 +3 +0.04% 424 -1 -0.235294%
2024-04-22 7757 +168 +2.21% 425 +5 +1.19%
2024-04-20 7589 +65 +0.86% 420 0 0%
2024-04-19 7524 +43 +0.57% 420 0 0%
2024-04-18 7481 +19 +0.25% 420 -1 -0.23753%
2024-04-17 7462 +251 +3.48% 421 +7 +1.69%
2024-04-13 7211 +43 +0.60% 414 0 0%
2024-04-12 7168 +16 +0.22% 414 0 0%
2024-04-11 7152 +41 +0.58% 414 0 0%
2024-04-10 7111 +126 +1.80% 414 +1 +0.24%
2024-04-07 6985 +39 +0.56% 413 +1 +0.24%
2024-04-06 6946 +74 +1.08% 412 +3 +0.73%
2024-04-05 6872 +41 +0.60% 409 +3 +0.74%
2024-04-04 6831 +74 +1.10% 406 +3 +0.74%
2024-04-03 6757 +247 +3.79% 403 +7 +1.77%
2024-03-31 6510 +92 +1.43% 396 -1 -0.251889%
2024-03-30 6418 +144 +2.30% 397 +3 +0.76%
2024-03-29 6274 +190 +3.12% 394 +10 +2.60%
2024-03-28 6084 +174 +2.94% 384 +11 +2.95%
2024-03-26 5910 +495 +9.14% 373 +17 +4.78%
2024-03-22 5415 +358 +7.08% 356 +11 +3.19%
2024-03-18 5057 +23 +0.46% 345 +1 +0.29%
2024-03-17 5034 +232 +4.83% 344 +7 +2.08%
2024-03-16 4802 +171 +3.69% 337 +8 +2.43%
2024-03-14 4631 - -% 329 - -%
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    You have to send request invite to someone in instance and you can join to it if person who received the request accept.
  • Invite
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    You have to send request invite to person who started up instance and you can join to it if he/she accept.
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