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Buddy‘s Dog Park

Buddy‘s Dog Park
World ID
Max connections
20 Users
File size
10419 (Day to day count:0 / Day to day rate:0.00%)
Favorites on VRchat
271 (Day to day count:0 / Day to day rate:0.00%)
Favorites on this website
Votes(this world / All worlds)
Create / Update
Created / Updated / Labs / Published
The domestic dog is a member of the genus Canis‚ which forms part of the wolf-like canids‚ and is the most widely abundant terrestrial carnivore․A park is an area of natural‚ semi-natural or planted space set aside for human enjoyment and recreation or for the protection of wildlife or natural habitats․sinister or ghostly in a way that causes fear and unease․
Visits / Favorites
On this page, the maximum number of days is shown up to 30 days in advance.
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-04-26 10419 0 0% 271 0 0%
2024-04-25 10419 +4 +0.04% 271 -1 -0.367647%
2024-04-21 10415 +2 +0.02% 272 0 0%
2024-04-20 10413 +7 +0.07% 272 0 0%
2024-04-19 10406 0 0% 272 0 0%
2024-04-18 10406 +3 +0.03% 272 0 0%
2024-04-17 10403 +17 +0.16% 272 0 0%
2024-04-12 10386 +17 +0.16% 272 0 0%
2024-04-07 10369 +19 +0.18% 272 0 0%
2024-04-06 10350 +8 +0.08% 272 +2 +0.74%
2024-04-05 10342 +8 +0.08% 270 +1 +0.37%
2024-04-02 10334 +6 +0.06% 269 0 0%
2024-03-30 10328 +10 +0.10% 269 0 0%
2024-03-28 10318 +3 +0.03% 269 +1 +0.37%
2024-03-27 10315 +2 +0.02% 268 0 0%
2024-03-26 10313 +6 +0.06% 268 0 0%
2024-03-24 10307 +5 +0.05% 268 0 0%
2024-03-23 10302 +28 +0.27% 268 0 0%
2024-03-17 10274 +1 +0.01% 268 0 0%
2024-03-15 10273 0 0% 268 0 0%
2024-03-14 10273 +8 +0.08% 268 +1 +0.37%
2024-03-12 10265 +5 +0.05% 267 -1 -0.373134%
2024-03-07 10260 +14 +0.14% 268 0 0%
2024-03-06 10246 0 0% 268 0 0%
2024-03-04 10246 +12 +0.12% 268 0 0%
2024-03-03 10234 0 0% 268 0 0%
2024-03-02 10234 0 0% 268 0 0%
2024-02-29 10234 +1 +0.01% 268 -1 -0.371747%
2024-02-27 10233 +3 +0.03% 269 0 0%
2024-02-26 10230 - -% 269 - -%
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