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80 Users
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101413 (Day to day count:17 / Day to day rate:0.02%)
Favorites on VRchat
3797 (Day to day count:2 / Day to day rate:0.05%)
Favorites on this website
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A project dedicated to my visit to Bali‚ Indonesiaǃ Bali is a tropical paradise located off mainland Indonesiaǃ It is teeming with tropical forests and crystal clear waters․ There are plenty dense jungle forests‚ animals‚ and waterfalls․ The map features 3 modes‚ day‚ night‚ and rain․ There is a cozy indonesian home that you may also stay in․ There are plenty of shrine dedicated to prayer and their hindu practices․ This may be a place to relax‚ drink‚ sleep‚ etc․ It is an atoll of pure wonders․ Bali is definitely a place I'd love to visit once again․ Model credits˸ Geoffrey Marchal (Indonesian House)‚ YanaBelaya (Hut Roof)‚ Francesco Coldesina (Statue)‚ 3dhdscan (Cliffside)‚ Alexandre Gonzalez Rivas (Cliffside 2)‚ simsora13 (Dolphin Plushie)
Visits / Favorites
On this page, the maximum number of days is shown up to 30 days in advance.
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-04-19 101413 +17 +0.02% 3797 +2 +0.05%
2024-04-17 101396 +17 +0.02% 3795 0 0%
2024-04-15 101379 +26 +0.03% 3795 0 0%
2024-04-14 101353 +11 +0.01% 3795 -1 -0.0263435%
2024-04-13 101342 +7 +0.01% 3796 +1 +0.03%
2024-04-12 101335 +65 +0.06% 3795 0 0%
2024-04-09 101270 +13 +0.01% 3795 +2 +0.05%
2024-04-08 101257 +29 +0.03% 3793 -2 -0.0527009%
2024-04-06 101228 +3 +0.00% 3795 +1 +0.03%
2024-04-05 101225 +61 +0.06% 3794 +4 +0.11%
2024-04-03 101164 +9 +0.01% 3790 0 0%
2024-04-02 101155 +57 +0.06% 3790 +3 +0.08%
2024-03-31 101098 +18 +0.02% 3787 -1 -0.0263992%
2024-03-30 101080 +21 +0.02% 3788 +1 +0.03%
2024-03-28 101059 +8 +0.01% 3787 0 0%
2024-03-27 101051 +3 +0.00% 3787 0 0%
2024-03-26 101048 +35 +0.03% 3787 0 0%
2024-03-24 101013 +67 +0.07% 3787 -3 -0.0791557%
2024-03-19 100946 +24 +0.02% 3790 +2 +0.05%
2024-03-18 100922 +136 +0.13% 3788 +5 +0.13%
2024-03-08 100786 +25 +0.02% 3783 +2 +0.05%
2024-03-05 100761 +98 +0.10% 3781 0 0%
2024-02-28 100663 +2 +0.00% 3781 +1 +0.03%
2024-02-27 100661 +9 +0.01% 3780 +1 +0.03%
2024-02-26 100652 +26 +0.03% 3779 -2 -0.0528961%
2024-02-25 100626 +26 +0.03% 3781 +4 +0.11%
2024-02-23 100600 +37 +0.04% 3777 0 0%
2024-02-20 100563 +34 +0.03% 3777 +1 +0.03%
2024-02-18 100529 +12 +0.01% 3776 0 0%
2024-02-17 100517 - -% 3776 - -%
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