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Quantum Mechanics Cafe

Quantum Mechanics Cafe
World ID
Max connections
64 Users
File size
8053 (Day to day count:15 / Day to day rate:0.19%)
Favorites on VRchat
181 (Day to day count:0 / Day to day rate:0.00%)
Favorites on this website
Votes(this world / All worlds)
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Created / Updated / Labs / Published
VCC TEST ここは、量子力学を学んだり、フェイクサイエンスも許容する雑談(たわいのない)のための集会場です。なお、「量子力学のたわいのない雑談の会」の会場としても使われます。開催予定は、同ワールド内にて掲示しています。このワールドで使われているアイテムは、著作権で保護されています。Sorry‚ the events only in Japanese Language․ This is the Quantum Mechanics Fan's Cafe to learn quantum mechanics and to discuss the topic that allows fake․ The items used in this world are copyrighted․ (Unity2019․4․31⁄SDK3) (注Questでは動画が観られません
Visits / Favorites
On this page, the maximum number of days is shown up to 30 days in advance.
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-04-19 8053 +15 +0.19% 181 0 0%
2024-04-16 8038 +2 +0.02% 181 0 0%
2024-04-14 8036 +15 +0.19% 181 0 0%
2024-04-10 8021 +3 +0.04% 181 0 0%
2024-04-09 8018 +13 +0.16% 181 +1 +0.56%
2024-04-04 8005 +10 +0.13% 180 0 0%
2024-03-31 7995 +20 +0.25% 180 0 0%
2024-03-25 7975 0 0% 180 0 0%
2024-03-24 7975 +23 +0.29% 180 +3 +1.69%
2024-03-13 7952 +5 +0.06% 177 +1 +0.57%
2024-03-08 7947 +1 +0.01% 176 0 0%
2024-03-05 7946 0 0% 176 0 0%
2024-03-04 7946 +19 +0.24% 176 +1 +0.57%
2024-02-29 7927 0 0% 175 0 0%
2024-02-27 7927 +4 +0.05% 175 0 0%
2024-02-25 7923 +2 +0.03% 175 +1 +0.57%
2024-02-21 7921 0 0% 174 0 0%
2024-02-19 7921 +4 +0.05% 174 0 0%
2024-02-18 7917 +9 +0.11% 174 +1 +0.58%
2024-02-12 7908 +6 +0.08% 173 -2 -1.14286%
2024-02-04 7902 +12 +0.15% 175 0 0%
2024-02-02 7890 +13 +0.17% 175 -2 -1.12994%
2024-01-30 7877 +12 +0.15% 177 0 0%
2024-01-25 7865 +32 +0.41% 177 0 0%
2024-01-20 7833 +3 +0.04% 177 +1 +0.57%
2024-01-18 7830 +23 +0.29% 176 0 0%
2024-01-13 7807 +2 +0.03% 176 0 0%
2024-01-12 7805 +11 +0.14% 176 0 0%
2024-01-11 7794 +5 +0.06% 176 0 0%
2024-01-10 7789 - -% 176 - -%
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    You have to send request invite to person who started up instance and you can join to it if he/she accept.
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