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Luna Lounge

Luna Lounge
World ID
Max connections
30 Users
File size
2241 (Day to day count:49 / Day to day rate:2.24%)
Favorites on VRchat
225 (Day to day count:-1 / Day to day rate:-0.44%)
Votes(this world / All worlds)
Create / Update
Created / Updated / Labs / Published
Step into the enchanting embrace of Luna Lounge‚ a celestial sanctuary adrift on the shimmering surface of the moonlit sea․ As you embark on your journey to this ethereal oasis‚ you'll be captivated by the gentle sway of the waves and the soft glow of moonbeams dancing upon the water's surface․ Within Luna Lounge awaits a haven of relaxation and indulgence‚ where you can recline in plush chairs amidst the tranquil ambience‚ savoring delectable fondue delicacies under the star-strewn sky․ Immerse yourself in the soothing atmosphere‚ lulled by the serene melody of the ocean's whispers․ Whether you seek a peaceful retreat to unwind or crave the vibrant energy of a lively gathering‚ Luna Lounge offers the perfect blend of tranquility and excitement․ Join us and experience the magic of this floating oasis‚ where every moment is infused with the enchanting allure of the night․ Enjoy your stayǃ
Visits / Favorites
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-05-22 2241 +49 +2.24% 226 -1 -0.440529%
2024-05-21 2192 +32 +1.48% 227 -1 -0.438596%
2024-05-20 2160 +36 +1.69% 228 +1 +0.44%
2024-05-19 2124 +77 +3.76% 227 0 0%
2024-05-18 2047 +97 +4.97% 227 +3 +1.34%
2024-05-16 1950 +59 +3.12% 224 -3 -1.32159%
2024-05-15 1891 +51 +2.77% 227 -1 -0.438596%
2024-05-14 1840 +29 +1.60% 228 +1 +0.44%
2024-05-13 1811 +78 +4.50% 227 0 0%
2024-05-12 1733 +120 +7.44% 227 +3 +1.34%
2024-05-11 1613 +82 +5.36% 224 +1 +0.45%
2024-05-10 1531 +51 +3.45% 223 -1 -0.446429%
2024-05-09 1480 +33 +2.28% 224 0 0%
2024-05-08 1447 +88 +6.48% 224 +4 +1.82%
2024-05-07 1359 +136 +11.12% 220 +13 +6.28%
2024-05-06 1223 +219 +21.81% 207 +25 +13.74%
2024-05-05 1004 +178 +21.55% 182 +21 +13.04%
2024-05-04 826 +215 +35.19% 161 +40 +33.06%
2024-05-03 611 +435 +247.16% 121 +93 +332.14%
2024-05-02 176 +21 +13.55% 28 +3 +12.00%
2024-05-01 155 - -% 25 - -%
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    You have to send request invite to person who started up instance and you can join to it if he/she accept.
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