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The Cthulhu Rain Bar

The Cthulhu Rain Bar
World ID
Max connections
80 Users
File size
11744 (Day to day count:61 / Day to day rate:0.52%)
Favorites on VRchat
358 (Day to day count:0 / Day to day rate:0.00%)
Votes(this world / All worlds)
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Created / Updated / Labs / Published
Welcome to the VR world of "Cthulhu's Rain Bar" atop a New York rooftopǃ As you step into the virtual realm‚ you find yourself on a rainy night‚ standing on the edge of a towering skyscraper in the heart of New York City․ The rain pours down relentlessly‚ casting shimmering reflections on the wet surface beneath your feet․ In the distance‚ you can see the city lights painting a neon glow across the urban landscape․ As you make your way to the center of the rooftop‚ you're greeted by an awe-inspiring sight˸ a colossal‚ tentacled monstrosity that defies human comprehension‚ sitting peacefully at the edge of the rooftop․ This is Cthulhu‚ an ancient cosmic deity‚ and here in this VR world‚ it's fashioned into a bar․
Visits / Favorites
On this page, the maximum number of days is shown up to 30 days in advance.
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-05-13 11744 +61 +0.52% 358 0 0%
2024-04-29 11683 +12 +0.10% 358 +1 +0.28%
2024-04-28 11671 +10 +0.09% 357 +1 +0.28%
2024-04-25 11661 +13 +0.11% 356 -2 -0.558659%
2024-04-23 11648 +7 +0.06% 358 0 0%
2024-04-22 11641 +9 +0.08% 358 0 0%
2024-04-19 11632 +2 +0.02% 358 +1 +0.28%
2024-04-18 11630 +18 +0.16% 357 +2 +0.56%
2024-04-12 11612 +2 +0.02% 355 0 0%
2024-04-11 11610 +9 +0.08% 355 -1 -0.280899%
2024-04-09 11601 +16 +0.14% 356 -1 -0.280112%
2024-04-07 11585 +3 +0.03% 357 +2 +0.56%
2024-04-04 11582 +2 +0.02% 355 -1 -0.280899%
2024-04-03 11580 +91 +0.79% 356 +2 +0.56%
2024-03-23 11489 +16 +0.14% 354 0 0%
2024-03-22 11473 +7 +0.06% 354 -1 -0.28169%
2024-03-18 11466 +11 +0.10% 355 +1 +0.28%
2024-03-16 11455 +8 +0.07% 354 +1 +0.28%
2024-03-14 11447 +3 +0.03% 353 0 0%
2024-03-13 11444 +69 +0.61% 353 +5 +1.44%
2024-02-28 11375 +4 +0.04% 348 +1 +0.29%
2024-02-27 11371 +9 +0.08% 347 +2 +0.58%
2024-02-22 11362 +3 +0.03% 345 -1 -0.289017%
2024-02-21 11359 +21 +0.19% 346 0 0%
2024-02-17 11338 +11 +0.10% 346 0 0%
2024-02-15 11327 +20 +0.18% 346 -1 -0.288184%
2024-02-12 11307 +24 +0.21% 347 +2 +0.58%
2024-02-09 11283 +36 +0.32% 345 +1 +0.29%
2024-02-02 11247 +36 +0.32% 344 +1 +0.29%
2024-01-30 11211 - -% 343 - -%
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