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Waverider (Combat Arms)

Waverider (Combat Arms)
World ID
Max connections
40 Users
File size
2515 (Day to day count:6 / Day to day rate:0.24%)
Favorites on VRchat
152 (Day to day count:0 / Day to day rate:0.00%)
Votes(this world / All worlds)
Create / Update
Created / Updated / Labs / Published
After Operation˸ Two Towers‚ United Alliance Forces regroup in a little resort town called Rupheria and planned another offensive․ However‚ satellite found that enemy forces discovered where they are and that they are going there․ UAF forces prepared for them to ambush them on the rooftops of Rupheria․ Waverider is a continuation of the Operation Two Towers․ Confirming the Two Towers mission have failed to achieve their objective‚ the forces in Two Towers have retreated to the small village Waverider takes place in․ The opposing force then followed the UAF force and attacked‚ placing the player in the time of the attack․
Visits / Favorites
On this page, the maximum number of days is shown up to 30 days in advance.
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-04-17 2515 +6 +0.24% 152 0 0%
2024-04-16 2509 +1 +0.04% 152 0 0%
2024-04-15 2508 +21 +0.84% 152 -1 -0.653595%
2024-04-12 2487 +1 +0.04% 153 -1 -0.649351%
2024-04-09 2486 +27 +1.10% 154 +2 +1.32%
2024-03-28 2459 +20 +0.82% 152 +2 +1.33%
2024-03-24 2439 +2 +0.08% 150 -1 -0.662252%
2024-03-23 2437 +9 +0.37% 151 +1 +0.67%
2024-03-18 2428 +47 +1.97% 150 +2 +1.35%
2024-03-11 2381 +6 +0.25% 148 -1 -0.671141%
2024-03-08 2375 +3 +0.13% 149 0 0%
2024-03-05 2372 +1 +0.04% 149 0 0%
2024-03-04 2371 +8 +0.34% 149 0 0%
2024-03-02 2363 +6 +0.25% 149 0 0%
2024-02-29 2357 +9 +0.38% 149 +1 +0.68%
2024-02-28 2348 0 0% 148 0 0%
2024-02-27 2348 +5 +0.21% 148 +1 +0.68%
2024-02-26 2343 0 0% 147 0 0%
2024-02-25 2343 +46 +2.00% 147 +3 +2.08%
2024-02-20 2297 +11 +0.48% 144 0 0%
2024-02-18 2286 +12 +0.53% 144 0 0%
2024-02-15 2274 +9 +0.40% 144 +2 +1.41%
2024-02-14 2265 +24 +1.07% 142 -1 -0.699301%
2024-02-08 2241 +8 +0.36% 143 +1 +0.70%
2024-02-04 2233 +1 +0.04% 142 0 0%
2024-02-01 2232 0 0% 142 -1 -0.699301%
2024-01-30 2232 +7 +0.31% 143 +2 +1.42%
2024-01-26 2225 +13 +0.59% 141 0 0%
2024-01-22 2212 +7 +0.32% 141 +1 +0.71%
2024-01-20 2205 - -% 140 - -%
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