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Finishing Touch - Art Studio & Gallery

Finishing Touch - Art Studio & Gallery
World ID
Max connections
80 Users
File size
45260 (Day to day count:1119 / Day to day rate:2.54%)
Favorites on VRchat
5722 (Day to day count:114 / Day to day rate:2.03%)
Votes(this world / All worlds)
Create / Update
Created / Updated / Labs / Published
Pets updateǃ Added a really cute dog and cat AI to play and interact withǃ Udon-enhanced art studio․ Create beautiful art with advanced painting systemsǃ Blend colours with an intuitive palette˸ colour presets‚ save & share colours‚ darken⁄brighten colours seamlesslyǃ Setup the canvas you need˸ square‚ portrait and landscape canvases in a variety of dynamic sizesǃ Work safely˸ advanced permission system‚ determine who is able to paint on your canvasǃ Customiseable easel˸ move your easel wherever you need it and adjust its height to your needsǃ And much more QoLǃ
Visits / Favorites
On this page, the maximum number of days is shown up to 30 days in advance.
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-05-01 45260 +1119 +2.54% 5722 +114 +2.03%
2024-04-24 44141 +767 +1.77% 5608 +66 +1.19%
2024-04-20 43374 +101 +0.23% 5542 +12 +0.22%
2024-04-19 43273 +153 +0.35% 5530 +13 +0.24%
2024-04-18 43120 +184 +0.43% 5517 +16 +0.29%
2024-04-17 42936 +127 +0.30% 5501 +8 +0.15%
2024-04-16 42809 +130 +0.30% 5493 +17 +0.31%
2024-04-15 42679 +440 +1.04% 5476 +36 +0.66%
2024-04-13 42239 +970 +2.35% 5440 +89 +1.66%
2024-04-08 41269 +246 +0.60% 5351 +28 +0.53%
2024-04-07 41023 +201 +0.49% 5323 +22 +0.42%
2024-04-06 40822 +199 +0.49% 5301 +17 +0.32%
2024-04-05 40623 +167 +0.41% 5284 +18 +0.34%
2024-04-04 40456 +231 +0.57% 5266 +19 +0.36%
2024-04-03 40225 +617 +1.56% 5247 +52 +1.00%
2024-03-31 39608 +209 +0.53% 5195 +20 +0.39%
2024-03-30 39399 +102 +0.26% 5175 +8 +0.15%
2024-03-29 39297 +779 +2.02% 5167 +87 +1.71%
2024-03-25 38518 +431 +1.13% 5080 +41 +0.81%
2024-03-23 38087 +279 +0.74% 5039 +31 +0.62%
2024-03-22 37808 +820 +2.22% 5008 +89 +1.81%
2024-03-17 36988 +899 +2.49% 4919 +95 +1.97%
2024-03-13 36089 +463 +1.30% 4824 +34 +0.71%
2024-03-11 35626 +792 +2.27% 4790 +75 +1.59%
2024-03-07 34834 +242 +0.70% 4715 +21 +0.45%
2024-03-06 34592 +145 +0.42% 4694 +25 +0.54%
2024-03-05 34447 +510 +1.50% 4669 +59 +1.28%
2024-03-02 33937 +527 +1.58% 4610 +59 +1.30%
2024-02-29 33410 +546 +1.66% 4551 +56 +1.25%
2024-02-26 32864 - -% 4495 - -%
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  • Friends
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  • Invite+
    You can invite someone if you are already in instance.
    You have to send request invite to someone in instance and you can join to it if person who received the request accept.
  • Invite
    Person who started up instance can invite someone.
    You have to send request invite to person who started up instance and you can join to it if he/she accept.
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