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Myammyu Train

Myammyu Train
World ID
Max connections
40 Users
File size
1733 (Day to day count:15 / Day to day rate:0.87%)
Favorites on VRchat
119 (Day to day count:1 / Day to day rate:0.85%)
Votes(this world / All worlds)
Create / Update
Created / Updated / Labs / Published
Relax Train world․ [ 24․3․20] - 월드 첫 업로드․ [24․3․22] - 약간의 버그 수정․ 거울과 QVpen 추가 [24․3․23] - 동영상 플레이어가 깜박이는 문제는 월드 자체의 버그입니다․ [24․3․24] - 동영상 플레이어 수정 및 재생목록에 사심을 채운 영상⁄음악 추가 [ 24․3․25 ] - 1호실에서는 콜라이더 추가를 포기했습니다․(버그 때문에 끼이는 현상이 잦아서) 대신 2호실은 콜라이더가 있습니다․ 풀트래커 사용자는 2호실을 이용해주세요․
Visits / Favorites
On this page, the maximum number of days is shown up to 30 days in advance.
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-04-28 1733 +15 +0.87% 119 +1 +0.85%
2024-04-27 1718 +12 +0.70% 118 +2 +1.72%
2024-04-26 1706 +19 +1.13% 116 +1 +0.87%
2024-04-25 1687 +15 +0.90% 115 +2 +1.77%
2024-04-24 1672 +28 +1.70% 113 0 0%
2024-04-23 1644 +12 +0.74% 113 -1 -0.877193%
2024-04-22 1632 +28 +1.75% 114 0 0%
2024-04-21 1604 +37 +2.36% 114 +1 +0.88%
2024-04-20 1567 +13 +0.84% 113 +1 +0.89%
2024-04-19 1554 +8 +0.52% 112 0 0%
2024-04-18 1546 +47 +3.14% 112 -1 -0.884956%
2024-04-17 1499 +15 +1.01% 113 +1 +0.89%
2024-04-16 1484 +27 +1.85% 112 0 0%
2024-04-15 1457 +25 +1.75% 112 0 0%
2024-04-14 1432 +42 +3.02% 112 +2 +1.82%
2024-04-13 1390 +66 +4.98% 110 +4 +3.77%
2024-04-12 1324 +64 +5.08% 106 0 0%
2024-04-11 1260 +35 +2.86% 106 +1 +0.95%
2024-04-10 1225 +36 +3.03% 105 -1 -0.943396%
2024-04-09 1189 +15 +1.28% 106 0 0%
2024-04-08 1174 +55 +4.92% 106 +2 +1.92%
2024-04-07 1119 +58 +5.47% 104 +1 +0.97%
2024-04-06 1061 +14 +1.34% 103 +1 +0.98%
2024-04-05 1047 +48 +4.80% 102 0 0%
2024-04-04 999 +27 +2.78% 102 -1 -0.970874%
2024-04-03 972 +62 +6.81% 103 +6 +6.19%
2024-04-02 910 +73 +8.72% 97 +1 +1.04%
2024-04-01 837 +79 +10.42% 96 +4 +4.35%
2024-03-31 758 +117 +18.25% 92 +13 +16.46%
2024-03-30 641 - -% 79 - -%
Link to start up instance

Public Friends+ Friends Invite+ Invite

  • Public
    You can join to instance without any permission.
  • Friends+
    You can join to instance if you are friend with someone in it.
  • Friends
    You can join to instance if you are friend with person who started up it.
  • Invite+
    You can invite someone if you are already in instance.
    You have to send request invite to someone in instance and you can join to it if person who received the request accept.
  • Invite
    Person who started up instance can invite someone.
    You have to send request invite to person who started up instance and you can join to it if he/she accept.
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