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Nu Clear Lunch Time (Quake 3)

Nu Clear Lunch Time (Quake 3)
World ID
Max connections
32 Users
File size
2381 (Day to day count:16 / Day to day rate:0.68%)
Favorites on VRchat
175 (Day to day count:1 / Day to day rate:0.57%)
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Created / Updated / Labs / Published
Quake 3 Arena III Map Download ⁄ Made by Requiem ⁄ Release˸ 05 May‚ 2006 ⁄ Description˸ As you would expect‚ this is a Q3A map of a big kitchen․ In PadMan style‚ you are mouse sized in a giant kitchen․ Highly detailed and very well created‚ Requiem used several of his own textures and skybox‚ as well as Lair's Evil textures‚ PadKitchen textures and ik_wood texture․ You can get into just about every drawer‚ cupboard and appliance․ You can get into the microwave (pizza is cooking)‚ oven‚ refrigerator (water dispenser also gives health & armor)‚ etc․ You can even hit the play button on the radio to hear a catchy tune․ The sink drain leads into the dish washer where the Regen is located․ ALL weapons are here including grapple‚ which comes in handy in such a large open map․ All the detail leads to high r_speeds‚ but as the author states˸ "Gameplay is designed for 'fun'․" ⁄ Programs⁄Tools˸ Quake 3 q3map2 + BSP to MAP‚ Blender‚ Unity
Visits / Favorites
Date Visits Day to day count Day to day rate Favorites Day to day count Day to day rate
2024-05-17 2381 +16 +0.68% 175 +1 +0.57%
2024-05-16 2365 +40 +1.72% 174 -2 -1.13636%
2024-05-15 2325 +4 +0.17% 176 -1 -0.564972%
2024-05-14 2321 +23 +1.00% 177 -1 -0.561798%
2024-05-13 2298 +124 +5.70% 178 -2 -1.11111%
2024-05-12 2174 +35 +1.64% 180 0 0%
2024-05-11 2139 +49 +2.34% 180 +2 +1.12%
2024-05-10 2090 +40 +1.95% 178 0 0%
2024-05-09 2050 +62 +3.12% 178 +1 +0.56%
2024-05-08 1988 +107 +5.69% 177 +6 +3.51%
2024-05-07 1881 +118 +6.69% 171 +5 +3.01%
2024-05-06 1763 +132 +8.09% 166 +2 +1.22%
2024-05-05 1631 +338 +26.14% 164 +22 +15.49%
2024-05-04 1293 +841 +186.06% 142 +98 +222.73%
2024-05-03 452 +282 +165.88% 44 +32 +266.67%
2024-05-02 170 - -% 12 - -%
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